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How To Take Batting Practice - The Ultimate Guide

Batting Practice Cage

Batting practice is the cornerstone of a baseball or softball player's training regimen. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, learning to take batting practice correctly will benefit your swing in the long run. In the following article, the Bat Experts at JustBats outline how to approach batting practice, the various ways to practice hitting, and the top drills to use while taking batting practice. Let's talk practice!


As always, if you are looking for a baseball bat or softball bat; JustBats is the place to shop. We offer a full selection of the most popular bats in the game along with a wide variety of training bats and wood bats. Also, every purchase from JustBats comes with free, fast shipping and a lowest-price guarantee. It’s the easiest way to order your bats. That said, here are our tips for taking the best batting practice possible starting with the setup.

Batting Practice Setup 

There are various ways to structure your batting practice sessions. Here are a few options to consider: 

Traditional Batting Cage 

  • Most baseball facilities have batting cages equipped with the best pitching machines. This controlled environment allows you to work on your swing mechanics and timing. 
  • Be sure to focus on hitting the balls to all parts of the field to create game-like practice rather than early loading and pulling every pitch.

Live Pitching

  • If possible, practice against live pitching from a teammate or coach. This simulates game situations and helps you adjust to the unpredictable nature of real games. 
  • Focus on swinging at pitches within the strike zone.
  • Add situations such as counts, outs, and baserunners to simulate game action.

Tee Work 

  • Tee work is an excellent way to focus on specific aspects of your swing. 
  • Use a batting tee to work on hand-eye coordination, pitch recognition, and hitting the ball in different locations. 
  • Move the tee! Make sure to alter the location of the tee to adjust your swing accordingly. 

Batting Practice Drills

Incorporate a variety of drills into your batting practice routine to target different aspects of your swing: 

Soft Toss

  • A coach or teammate gently tosses the ball to you from the side. 
  • This drill helps with hand-eye coordination, timing, and the ability to hit pitches in different locations. 

Front Tos

  • Similar to soft toss, but the tosser is positioned in front of you. 
  • Focuses on quick reactions and adjusting to pitch location. 

High-Low Drill

  • Combine high and low pitches in the same session to improve your ability to adjust to different pitch heights. 

Inside-Outside Drill

  • Work on hitting pitches on the inside and outside parts of the plate. 
  • Helps improve plate coverage and the ability to pull or drive the ball to the opposite field. 

Batting Practice Feedback 

Receiving feedback is essential for improvement. Here's how to make the most of it: 


  • Use video recordings of your swings to identify areas for improvement. 
  • Analyze your stance, hand positioning, and swing mechanics. 
  • Be kind to yourself. You are not an MLB superstar… (yet) so be sure to make note of the good in your swing while you critique yourself.


  • Seek guidance from coaches, teammates, or experienced players. They can provide valuable insights into your technique and suggest adjustments.
  • Ask for ways you can improve.  


  • Make adjustments gradually and consistently. Don't expect immediate results; improvement takes time and repetition. 
  • Remember, perfect practice makes perfect. Don’t expect it to happen overnight but committing to your improvements, creating a routine, and trusting the process will create results.

Why do hitters use wood bats during batting practice?

Baseball players use wood bats during batting practice to avoid extra usage on their game bats and to train their swing to hit the sweet spot with more consistency. Wood bats are less expensive than the game’s most popular metal bats, so racking up hundreds of swings during batting practice on a less expensive wood bat saves money over time. Furthermore, wood bats have smaller sweet spots than alloy or composite baseball & softball bats. Swinging a wood bat within more controlled environments such as tee work, soft toss, or batting practice trains hitters to consistently hit the sweet spot of the barrel with more frequency.


Batting Practice with the Baseball Bat Bros

Will from the Baseball Bat Bros did a video breakdown of the best ways to take batting practice. Included in the video are the best tips for batting practice along with insight into the mental side of taking a proper BP. Watch now to learn exactly how college players go about the most important offensive drill in baseball. 

Taking batting practice is an essential component of a baseball player's journey toward mastery. By preparing mentally and physically, choosing the right practice setup, incorporating drills, seeking feedback, and developing mental toughness, you can take your batting skills to new heights. Remember, practice makes perfect, and with dedication and the right approach, you can become a formidable force at the plate. So, step into that batter's box with confidence and let your hard work shine on the diamond.


Congratulations on taking the next step in your career by investing in batting practice in order to become a better hitter. With a solid understanding of the techniques, challenges, and benefits involved, you're well-equipped to start your next BP session. Remember, the Bat Experts at JustBats are here to support you every step of the way, offering high-quality baseball batssoftball bats, and expert guidance. Embrace the practice, put in the work, and soon you'll be stepping up to the plate with confidence and placing fear in pitchers.

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